Cosmetic Dentistry


Teeth whitening is a really simple way to eliminate discolouration to brighten dull- looking teeth. Teeth can appear dull for a number of reasons including eating stain-inducing food and drink, smoking, the ageing process and certain medications. Our teeth whitening procedure is safe and very effective, and the results are long lasting.

We take impressions of your teeth so custom-made trays can be produced to accurately fit your mouth. You wear these at home with a special bleaching gel for around an hour or two every day for a few weeks.

The whitening solution only works on teeth and is not effective on dental restorations, such as fillings, crowns or veneers. The results can be amazing but you may need to ‘top up’ in the future as they are not permanent. Results last longer by reducing your consumption of highly-coloured food and drink, and not smoking.


Composite bonding can transform your smile in just one visit, with little or no drilling of your tooth and injections aren’t usually needed. Composite is a tooth coloured material that blends in naturally with your teeth. We can use it to fill gaps, fix broken or chipped teeth, and enhance the shape and colour of your teeth. This is a technique that can improve your smile dramatically without any of the disadvantages of crowns and veneers.

Another distinct advantage of composite is that it can be repaired easily compared to porcelain. Composite bonding is also more affordable compared to porcelain crowns and veneers. For more information, talk to one of our friendly dentists and we will be happy to explain in more detail.


A cosmetic veneer is a thin shell of tooth coloured material bonded securely to the front surface of a tooth to improve its appearance or position. Veneers are usually made from ceramic, porcelain or a composite material, and are a minimally invasive way to enhance your smile.

You may have discoloured, misshapen or damaged teeth, or want to conceal gaps between your teeth. Veneers require little or no healthy tooth removal, they are a great way to improve your smile, and they look very natural.

A very thin layer of enamel is removed, if required, so the veneer will fit in with your teeth. Impressions are then taken so a veneer can be produced just for you by highly skilled technicians. Finally, the veneer is bonded to the tooth with a strong dental adhesive. Alternatively, composite veneers are placed directly on to the tooth, usually without the need to drill the tooth at all, and they can be done in one visit.


From beautifully simple teeth whitening to the complete coverage provided by hard-wearing crowns, we can offer a range of appealing treatments to sort out your cracked, crooked or dull-looking teeth – helping to boost both your smile and your confidence.

During an initial consultation, we thoroughly examine your teeth and find out exactly what kind of improvement you wish to make. We may have to correct oral health issues, such as gum disease and tooth decay, before we can perform any cosmetic treatments. However, once your mouth is fit and healthy, we can start the smile enhancing process. Treatments may include any of the following:
  • Teeth whitening – safe, gentle lightening helps to brighten up dull-looking smiles.
  • Veneers – a natural-looking, minimally invasive way to disguise unsightly teeth.
  • White fillings – designed to offer a less obvious repair, these can also be used to replace existing amalgam fillings.
  • Crowns – a long-lasting way to mask all kinds of defects and strengthen damaged teeth.
  • Bridges – custom-made to fill in any gaps.
  • Implants – a realistic, long-lasting solution to missing teeth.
  • Dentures – these can be worn to fill in a few gaps or replace all your teeth.
As well as providing the most effective treatments, using the latest techniques, you can also rest assured that we will always deliver these with the highest standards of care.
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