General Dentistry


Prevention is better than cure, so we recommend that you visit us regularly so that we can help you to maintain healthy gums and teeth. For most people an appointment every six months is recommended, but the intervals can vary according to your dental needs. By taking this approach we can help you to avoid dental problems and we can be minimally invasive with any problems that may arise.

During your appointment we will carry out a thorough examination to look for early signs of problems.

We will assess tooth decay, gum disease, tooth wear, jaw problems and cancer. We will also address any concerns you may have with the appearance or function of your teeth and discuss ways we can help you to improve or enhance your smile and oral health.

We take a preventative approach to dentistry. By maintaining healthy teeth and gums, we can help you avoid dental problems or stop them from worsening. That’s why we recommend you visit us regularly, at least twice a year, or less frequently if you don’t have any ongoing problems.

During your routine appointments, we thoroughly assess your oral health using a seven-step process. This helps us detect issues such as:
  • Dental decay
  • Dental erosion
  • Toothbrush abrasion
  • Tooth wear
  • Gum disease
  • Jaw problems
  • Oral cancer


Our dentists encourage excellent oral hygiene and help prevent gum disease. We want to help you to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. In order to do that you may benefit from regular hygiene appointments.

We recommend hygiene appointments regularly to remove plaque and calculus. Our dentists will be able to tailor a plan to suit your individual needs, as much of the maintenance of gums lies with you, so we will teach you how to look after your gums and maintain a good level of oral hygiene. We will support you by gently carrying out simple or more advanced gum treatments to stabilise and maintain your gum health because we want you to have health gums and keep your teeth for life!


We are always delighted to welcome the youngest members of your family to Mickleover Dental Care and offer gentle care for our new starters. It’s a good idea to bring youngsters to see us from as early an age as they can get used to visiting the practice and we can spot problems at an early stage. Teeth first start to come through when your baby is around six months old, so that’s the perfect time for their first visit.

Our dentists will make sure that your child(ren) feel comfortable and at ease so that they enjoy coming to see us! We will teach them how to look after their teeth and give them important dietary advice to prevent tooth decay.

As your children get older, we continue to monitor their development and check if they need orthodontic treatment. If required we will refer them to an orthodontist for further assessment and treatment.


At Mickleover Dental Care, we completely understand if you feel worried about visiting us. We know dental treatment can fill some people with fear and dread, but we aim to make your experience as pleasant as possible.

Our experienced and friendly team are sympathetic and understanding, and we will hold your hand (literally in some cases!) through your journey with us. In many cases we can help you to alleviate your anxiety completely.


If you are unfortunate enough to have a dental emergency, don’t worry, we are here to help!

If your emergency occurs during surgery hours, please call the practice number immediately, and we will offer you an appointment on a priority basis. When you do call, please be sure to tell us you need emergency care, and we will do our very best to see you at the earliest opportunity.

If your emergency occurs outside our normal opening hours, please call the practice on 01332 518691 and follow the answerphone instructions.


Inside the inner most part of the tooth is the pulp which is a soft tissue that supplies nourishment and sensation to the tooth. It is often described as the “Nerve” and it can become painful due to infection and/or inflammation.

Root canal treatment is carried under local anaesthetic and aims to alleviate the pain and swelling associated with a tooth pulp and to address any infection, inflammation. There may be some tenderness afterwards but it usually settles in a matter of days .

Root canal treatment has a reputation for being painful, but rest assured, we make the whole process painless. We use cleaning and antibacterial washes inside the tooth to wash away any debris whilst shaping the root canals in order to fill them with a root filling material similar to rubber. The tooth is then built up with a filling or crown.


If you develop decay, chip your teeth or want to improve the look of your old restorations, white fillings are a fantastic and effective way to repair teeth that have been damaged. White fillings help restore teeth damaged by decay back to their normal function, and can prevent further decay. They are bonded to your tooth structure so they can also contribute to strengthening what remains of your own tooth.

At Mickleover Dental Care we often use white fillings as they offer the most conservative and natural looking solution. These are ideal to restore cracked or chipped teeth and for repairing cavities caused by tooth decay.

White fillings are placed onto the teeth to restore function and aesthetics. Like your natural teeth a composite filling can become stained over time with normal habits such as red wine, tea or coffee. It is therefore important to maintain a good level of oral hygiene and schedule regular oral health examinations to ensure your restoration remain at its best condition.
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